Academy Awards Ceremony
In the Know

And the Winner Is . . .

Every year, people who make movies receive awards for their work. These are called Academy Awards, or Oscars. The awards are presented on television. People around the world watch. This year, the show is on … Read more

Martin Luther King, Jr.
In the Know

Beyond the Dream

You’ve probably heard of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s, “I Have a Dream” speech. In the speech, he imagined an America in which African Americans and whites were treated as equals. Dr. King is well known … Read more

People at the gym
In the Know

New Year’s Resolutions

It is 2019! Many people see the new year as a time to make a fresh start. They make resolutions. These are decision to start doing something or stop doing something. Many resolutions have to … Read more

Ilhan Omar
In the News

New Congress to Begin Session

The 116th Congress will convene on January 3rd, 2019. Both the Senate and the House of Representatives will swear new leaders in. In the Senate, the President of the Senate, Vice President Mike Pence, will … Read more

long shadow
In the Know

Winter Solstice

Have you noticed that the days are getting shorter? That’s because the Winter Solstice is coming. This December 21st will be the shortest day of the year in North America. What makes the Winter Solstice happen? … Read more

In the Know

Making an IMPACT: Sophie Cruz

Can you imagine giving a speech in front of a million people? Would you be nervous? Excited? A six-year-old girl from Los Angeles did just that. She did spoke because she wanted to keep her … Read more

People helping at a soup kitchen
In the Know

Making Holidays Bright for Others

What is your favorite part about the holiday season? Is it spending time with your family? Is it eating delicious food? Or is it sharing presents with people you know? For some people, one of … Read more

In the News

Wildfires Devastate California

Two major wildfires are devastating California. Many people have been forced to evacuate their homes [leave their homes for a safer place]. The Camp Fire is burning in Northern California. It is named the Camp Fire … Read more

portrait of J.K. Rowling
In the Know

What Does an Author Do?

You probably have a favorite book. Maybe there is a character that you love to read stories about. Maybe you like books that make you laugh. Maybe you like books that make you scared. But … Read more