In the News

The Cicadas Are Coming!

This spring and summer, billions of cicadas will crawl out of the ground. Some cicadas come out every year, but this year is different. Two groups will emerge at the same time. One group has … Read more

In the News

Looking for Life on Mars

Could an ancient lake on Mars have supported life? We may soon find out! Perseverance is a rover [vehicle that lands on other planets or the Moon to collect data] that is exploring an area … Read more

In the News

What Is a Solar Eclipse?

On April 8, 2024 many people in the U.S. experienced a total solar eclipse. A total eclipse is a rare event. They happen in the same location on Earth about once every 375 years. And … Read more

In the News

Cleaning Up the Oceans

The world’s oceans are in trouble. Millions of tons of plastic pollution [harmful substances in the environment] enter the oceans each year. Most of it gets swept into “garbage patches” such as the Great Pacific … Read more

In the News

Talking to Whales

What can you learn from talking to whales? Lots! In a recent study, scientists had a 20-minute conversation with a whale. They hope to use what they learned from this conversation to learn more about … Read more

In the News

Snow Science

Have you ever tried to walk in deep snow? It’s not easy. Every step you take, you sink down into the snow. This can make getting around in the snow almost impossible. Fortunately, long ago … Read more

In the News

What Is a “Gravity Hole”?

How would you describe Earth’s shape? Most would say it is round or shaped like a ball. But experts describe its shape as a “lumpy potato.” It is flatter at the poles and wider in … Read more

In the News

Why Are West Coast Hurricanes Unusual?

In August, Tropical Storm Hilary hit California. It caused mudslides and flooding. Hilary was the first tropical storm to hit this part of the United States since 1997. Tropical storms and hurricanes are common on … Read more

In the News

Tarantulas on the Move

You might observe some creepy creatures out and about this month. It is tarantula mating season. This means that male tarantulas are out searching for a mate [a partner with which one reproduces]. Tarantulas are … Read more

In the News

Challenges of the Deep Sea

Earlier this summer, a deep-sea submersible [underwater craft designed for research or exploration] collapsed. There were five people on board. This accident has highlighted the challenges of deep-sea research. Deep-sea organisms survive without sunlight. Oceans … Read more