In the Know

How to Make Ice Pops

Did you know that ice pops were invented by an 11-year-old boy? And it was an accident! He left a soda mixture out in the cold all night. It froze. In the morning, he licked … Read more

In the News

The Cicadas Are Coming!

This spring and summer, billions of cicadas will crawl out of the ground. Some cicadas come out every year, but this year is different. Two groups will emerge at the same time. One group has … Read more

In the Know

Artificial Limbs

You might have seen people with wooden legs and metal hook-shaped hands in movies. These are early examples of prosthetics. A prosthesis replaces a body part. They are used by people who have lost a limb … Read more

In the News

Looking for Life on Mars

Could an ancient lake on Mars have supported life? We may soon find out! Perseverance is a rover [vehicle that lands on other planets or the Moon to collect data] that is exploring an area … Read more

In the Know

Better Buckle Up!

Have you ever flown on an airplane? Sometimes the flight can get a bit bumpy. And it can seem to come out of nowhere. This can be alarming, but a recent study shows that it … Read more

In the News

What Is a Solar Eclipse?

On April 8, 2024 many people in the U.S. experienced a total solar eclipse. A total eclipse is a rare event. They happen in the same location on Earth about once every 375 years. And … Read more

In the News

Cleaning Up the Oceans

The world’s oceans are in trouble. Millions of tons of plastic pollution [harmful substances in the environment] enter the oceans each year. Most of it gets swept into “garbage patches” such as the Great Pacific … Read more

In the Know

What Does It Take to Reach the Top?

Mount Everest is the highest point on Earth. It is 8,850 meters (29,035 feet) above sea level. Reaching its majestic peak is the ultimate challenge for climbers. With the climb comes many dangers. Avalanches are … Read more

In the Know

3-D Printing Basics

Have you ever seen a 3-D printer at work? It is amazing! It prints layer after layer, one on top of another. Before your eyes, a detailed 3-D object takes shape. 3-D stands for three-dimensional. … Read more

In the News

Talking to Whales

What can you learn from talking to whales? Lots! In a recent study, scientists had a 20-minute conversation with a whale. They hope to use what they learned from this conversation to learn more about … Read more