In the News

Changing Leaves

The end of summer means so many things. It means the beginning of a new and exciting school year. It means fewer daylight hours. It also means that some trees lose their leaves, and you … Read more

In the News

Forget the Cord!

Have you ever seen a Tesla electric car? The car company was named after scientist Nikola Tesla. He figured out how to use electricity without wires.  Every day you use lights, appliances and other gadgets … Read more

In the News

Monarchs on the Move

Monarch butterflies are special. They are the only type of butterfly that migrates like birds. Migration is when animals and insects, such as birds and monarch butterflies, travel from one place to another in order to survive.   Monarch butterflies cannot survive the cold winter. Instead, … Read more

In the News

Twentieth Anniversary of 9/11 Approaches

On September 11, 2001, the United States suffered its worst terrorist attack. Members of a  terrorist group called al-Qaeda hijacked three airplanes. They crashed the planes into the Pentagon outside of Washington, D.C., and the … Read more

In the News

Surviving Droughts

About 2,000 years ago, people living in western New Mexico had a big problem. The problem was that there was not enough drinking water. This problem is known as a drought, or a period of dry weather. Water is a basic need of … Read more

In the News

What Is Ransomware?

Imagine that you are doing some work or playing a game on your computer. The computer stops working. You get a message from someone who says that they will make your computer work again. But … Read more

In the News

A Cicada Takeover

After 17 years underground, billions of cicadas are digging their way out of the soil. Say hello to Brood X! Brood X cicadas aren’t regular cicadas. Their life cycles are timed so they hatch all … Read more

In the News

Summer Olympics in Tokyo

UPDATE: As COVID-19 cases continued to rise, the Japanese government declared a state of emergency. The Olympic games will continue, but no spectators will be allowed to attend events. Only athletes, trainers, and members of … Read more