In the Know

What Goes Up, Must Come Down

Many kids play kickball at recess. When the ball comes to them, they kick it as hard as they can into the air. Even though they kick the ball hard, it comes back to the … Read more

In the News

The Exciting World of Robots

 Imagine having a robot to help do your chores. That would be cool! Robots are created to do jobs. Robots are machines that collect information from their surroundings, and then use that information to complete … Read more

In the Know

What Are the Most Needed Donations?

Winter can be a tough time. Days grow shorter, weather becomes cold, and people who are struggling need extra help. Many people are celebrating different holidays and are looking for ways to help people. So, … Read more

In the Know

Winter Records

She was eleven stories tall. Her arms were made of spruce trees. Her mouth was made from car tires. Her name was Olympia Snowwoman. She was built in 2008 in the town of Bethel, Maine … Read more

In the News

What Are Midterm Elections?

Have you seen signs for elections in people’s yards? They are for midterm elections. What exactly are midterm elections? Midterm elections are elections that take place in the middle of a president’s term. Voters do … Read more