The midterm elections are on Tuesday, November 6. People will vote for members of the House of Representatives and Senate. All 435 members of the House of Representatives are up for election. 35 of the 100 members of the Senate are up for election.
Midterm elections are important. They determine which party, Democrats or Republicans, controls the House and the Senate. Whichever party controls the House and the Senate can address issues they believe are important. Some important issues in this election are taxes, health care, and immigration.
The Republicans currently have the most members in the House and the Senate. The president is also a Republican. This means the Republicans are in charge of running the country. The Democrats want to change that. To do that, they need to keep all the seats they have in the House. They also need to win 24 more seats. Democrats also need to keep all the seats they have in the Senate and win two more.
There are also important elections in states around the country. Thirty-six states are electing governors. There are also elections for state senators and representatives. These elections will have an important impact on how these states are governed.
There are many candidates in these elections who have never run for office. Many of these candidates are women and members of minority groups who want to have their voices heard. These candidates believe our government needs new ideas. They believe their ideas will help our country.
The midterm elections are important to everyone in the United States. That’s why people need to get out and vote!
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Photo Credit: Ariel Skelley/Blend Images