What is chemistry? Is it a scientist in a lab coat? A flask with a colorful liquid in it? Yes. All of these things are chemistry. Chemists often work in a lab and use equipment such as flasks, but chemistry is much more than that. Chemistry is everywhere and everything!

Chemistry is the branch of science that studies matter and how it changes. Everything around us is matter [anything that has mass and takes up space]. In fact, everything in the universe is matter. All matter is made up of the same set of building blocks. There are about 100 different types of these building blocks called elements. All of the different types of matter are made up of different combinations of these elements.
People who study chemistry are called chemists. Chemists study how different elements combine to form new substances. Chemists use what they know about matter to improve our world and our lives. Chemists develop new materials, new energy sources, and new medicines. Where would we be without chemistry?
What Do You Think? What do you want to learn about chemistry?
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