In the Know

What are the Northern Lights?

One of the most beautiful phenomena in nature is the Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights.  Aurora comes from the name of the Roman god of the dawn. Borealis comes from the Greek … Read more

In the Know

Let’s Celebrate Mario Molina

During the month of September, we celebrate Hispanic American heritage and culture. Mario Molina was born in Mexico. As a boy, he played with toy chemistry sets. When he grew up, Mario studied chemical engineering. … Read more

In the Know


Have you ever wondered how people shape glass? If you bend glass, it will break. Glass used for glassblowing is melted in a furnace. The solid glass becomes a soft, hot liquid called molten glass. … Read more

In the Know

Why are Flamingos Pink?

Imagine turning the color of the food you eat! Flamingos are birds that turn pink because of the food in their diet. Flamingo chicks are born with white and gray feathers. By the time they … Read more

In the Know

Plants Have Feelings Too!

Do you know anyone who is shy? Someone who is shy usually keeps to themselves. Some people get nervous around strangers. They may cross their arms or turn away to try to feel comfortable. Believe … Read more

In the Know

Inventions Change Lives

Do you like to come up with ideas, build things, and help other people? You could be an inventor. Thomas Edison was a famous inventor. He was born in 1847 and lost most of his … Read more

In the Know

Meet Dr. Gladys West

Dr. Gladys West was born on October 27, 1930, in Sutherland, Virginia. When she was young, Gladys decided to focus on her studies. She hoped that if she worked hard, she could choose a job … Read more

In the Know

Robots in Our World!

Scientists and engineers have been building and testing robots for many years! The history of robots spans from vacuum cleaners to computers and toys. Robots can be helpful in our daily lives.  Robots help with … Read more