In the Know

3-D Printing Basics

Have you ever seen a 3-D printer at work? It is amazing! It prints layer after layer, one on top of another. Before your eyes, a detailed 3-D object takes shape. 3-D stands for three-dimensional. … Read more

In the News

Honoring the Legacy of the Carters

February 19 is President’s Day. Let’s honor the lives of President Jimmy and First Lady Rosalynn Carter. First Lady Carter passed away recently on November 19, 2023. President Carter is our oldest living president. He … Read more

In the Know

Chinese New Year   

Do you know that for some people, the new year begins on February 10? All over the world millions of people will celebrate Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year is also called Lunar New Year. … Read more

In the Know

Chemistry is Everywhere

What is chemistry? Is it a scientist in a lab coat? A flask with a colorful liquid in it? Yes. All of these things are chemistry. Chemists often work in a lab and use equipment … Read more

In the News

Snow Science

Have you ever tried to walk in deep snow? It’s not easy. Every step you take, you sink down into the snow. This can make getting around in the snow almost impossible. Fortunately, long ago … Read more

In the News

The Race For President Begins

In November, voters will choose the next President of the United States. First, voters will decide the nominees. Nominees are people chosen to represent a political party in an election. The United States has two … Read more