If you’ve been to a store lately, you may have noticed a lot of signs for school supplies. School will be starting soon in many places. Many people will need to buy school supplies. However, school supplies cost more than they used to.
In many schools, families are responsible for school supplies. This includes crayons, markers, notebooks, pencils, and scissors. The rising cost of these items is becoming a problem for families. They could spend as much as $890 on school supplies this year. High school supply costs aren’t just a problem for families. Often teachers spend their own money on school supplies. This year, teachers will spend over $700 on supplies for their classroom.
In some places, families and teachers are getting help with the cost of school supplies. Some school districts provide school supplies for classes. They might charge small fees to families for the supplies. Charities also play a part in providing school supplies. Sometimes they work with city governments or school districts to provide schools with supplies. Sometimes teachers reach out directly for donations to raise money for school supplies.
However you get them, school supplies will help you be ready to have a great year.
What Do You Think? What is your favorite supply to use in school? Why?
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