Have you seen signs for elections in people’s yards? They are for midterm elections. What exactly are midterm elections?
Midterm elections are elections that take place in the middle of a president’s term. Voters do not decide who is president during midterm elections. They do make some very important decisions. Citizens will choose a representative in the House of Representatives. In some states, citizens will also elect representatives to the United States Senate. There are also many states that are holding elections to decide who will be governor.
Who gets to control Congress is an important issue in midterm elections. Congress and the president have checks and balances on each other. This means it is easier for the government to agree when Congress and the president are in the same political party.
President Joe Biden is a Democrat. Democrats currently have a small majority in Congress. They want to keep that majority. Republicans want control of Congress. Then, they can have more of a say in government.
Usually, fewer citizens vote during midterm elections. However, voter turnout has increased in recent years. Many races are expected to be very close. This November is another chance for voters to make their voice heard.
What Can You Do? Learn as about the candidates in your area. Talk to adults about how issues affect you.
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