What is it, really?
Earth’s temporary visitor is an asteroid. An asteroid is a small, rocky object that orbits the Sun. To orbit means to travel around an object in a nearly circular path. Some are calling this asteroid a “mini moon” because it is temporarily orbiting Earth. A moon is a natural object that orbits a planet. Earth has only one true moon. Some planets have many moons.
How long will Earth have a mini moon?
On September 29, 2024, the asteroid was captured by Earth’s gravity. On November 25, 2024, it will break free and continue its orbit around the Sun. But it won’t go far. The asteroid will follow an orbital path around the Sun that is similar to Earth’s.
Will you be able to see the mini moon?
The asteroid is very small and dim. Without powerful telescopes it will not be visible from Earth.
What Do You Think? Why might scientists want to learn about objects like this one?
Photo Credit: Science Photo Library – ANDRZEJ WOJCICKI/Getty Images